LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - test - toplineTests.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 33 33 100.0 %
Date: 2020-12-14 08:13:14 Functions: 10 10 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #include <gmock/gmock.h>
       2             : #include <gtest/gtest.h>
       3             : 
       4             : #include <cfloat>
       5             : #include "data.hpp"
       6             : #include "matrix.hpp"
       7             : #include "topline.hpp"
       8             : #include "vectorf.hpp"
       9             : 
      10             : using namespace testing;
      11             : using std::vector;
      12             : 
      13             : class TestThatTopLine : public Test
      14             : {
      15             :  public:
      16             :   const int num_tc{30};
      17             :   double scale = 1.0;
      18             :   double rc = 0.0, order = 0.0;
      19             :   vector<double> tc;
      20             :   double epsilon{DBL_EPSILON};
      21             : 
      22           4 :   void SetUp() override { tc = vector<double>(num_tc); }
      23             : 
      24           4 :   void TearDown() override {}
      25             : };
      26             : 
      27           2 : TEST_F(TestThatTopLine, RequiresAtLeast10MoreThanTOPLINE_KSTARTCoefficients)
      28             : {
      29           1 :   tc = vector<double>(TOPLINE_KSTART + 9);
      30           2 :   ASSERT_THROW(topline(tc, scale, rc, order), std::exception);
      31             : }
      32             : 
      33           2 : TEST_F(TestThatTopLine, SatisfiesStorageRequirementsForLinearLeastSquaresSystem)
      34             : {
      35           1 :   int kstart{5};
      36           1 :   int m{num_tc - kstart - 1};
      37           1 :   int n{2};
      38           1 :   matrix<double> W(m, n);
      39           1 :   vectorf<double> b(m);
      40             : 
      41           2 :   ASSERT_THROW(constructLinearLeastSquaresSystem(tc, kstart, W, b),
      42             :                std::exception);
      43             : }
      44             : 
      45           2 : TEST_F(TestThatTopLine, CanConstructLinearLeastSquaresSystem)
      46             : {
      47          31 :   for (int k{0}; k < num_tc; k++)
      48             :   {
      49          30 :     tc[ k ] = (double)(k + 1);
      50             :   }
      51             : 
      52           1 :   int kstart{5};
      53           1 :   int m{num_tc - kstart};
      54           1 :   int n{2};
      55           2 :   matrix<double> W(m, n);
      56           2 :   vectorf<double> b(m);
      57             : 
      58           1 :   constructLinearLeastSquaresSystem(tc, kstart, W, b);
      59             : 
      60          26 :   for (int k{1}; k <= m; k++)
      61             :   {
      62          25 :     EXPECT_THAT(W(k, 1), DoubleNear(1.0, epsilon));
      63          25 :     EXPECT_THAT(W(k, 2), DoubleNear((double)(kstart + k - 1), epsilon));
      64          25 :     EXPECT_THAT(
      65             :         b(k), DoubleNear(log10(fabs((double)((kstart + k - 1) + 1))), epsilon));
      66             :   }
      67           1 : }
      68             : 
      69             : // Problem from
      70             : //
      71             : // Rc should be exactly 1/8.
      72             : //
      73             : // We want to fit the tail of the Taylor series, omit first
      74             : // TOPLINE_KSTART terms from consideration.
      75           2 : TEST_F(TestThatTopLine, WillComputeLeastSquarsSolution)
      76             : {
      77          31 :   for (int k = 0; k < num_tc; k++)
      78             :   {
      79          30 :     tc[ k ] = pow(8, k + 1) / ((double)(k + 1));
      80             :   }
      81             : 
      82           1 :   EXPECT_THAT(topline(tc, scale, rc, order),
      83             :               DoubleNear(0.077610600696407323, epsilon));
      84           1 :   EXPECT_THAT(rc, DoubleNear(1.315873989428502e-01, epsilon));
      85           1 :   EXPECT_TRUE(std::isnan(order));
      86           1 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14